
My Friend reading this: Do You Have a Savior?

I want to assure you that Heaven is A Real Place and So is Hell. I do not think that you are reading this by accident. God is so Wonderful and Loving and he is very strategic, which makes him GREAT!

It is very important to Be Sure You Have Eternal Insurance. The days and times that we are living are very Evil, to say the least. The bible says this: Joshua 24:15a “And if it seems evil unto you to serve the Lord, choose you this day whom ye will serve;” It is time to Choose God, he is will NEVER turn you away, and will welcome you with open arms, it does not matter what you have done. Grace and Mercy is meant for you, it’s meant for me. There is room at the cross for us ALL, Come Unto Jesus while you have time. Come unto Jesus make up your mind, He will make your life brand new, He will see you through.

I want to Encourage you to say the below Salvation prayer below with all your heart, mind and soul.

John 3:16
“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”


Heavenly Father, I believe that Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God came to earth to be the Savior of the world, and that by His death on the cross, He paid the price for the sins of the world, so that whosoever believes on Him would not perish, but have everlasting life.

Thank You for Jesus and thank You for my free gift of salvation. Thank You that by believing on His name, I am forgiven of my sins and brought into sweet fellowship with my heavenly Father.

Thank You, Lord, for sending Your Son to die on Calvary’s cross in my place. Thank You that His innocent life was sufficient to pay the full price for my sin, and the sin of the world.

Lord, I turn from all my prideful sins and from everything that is dishonoring to Your name, and pray that I would grow in grace and in a knowledge of Jesus, until I come to a spiritual maturity, as day by day the Holy Spirit seeks to transform my lowly body into the likeness of Jesus.

Thank You, Father, for Your wonderful gift of salvation and thank You that by believing I am now Your child. In Jesus’ name I pray,


7 Things To Do After You Get Saved

Here are the 7 things you need to do immediately after you get saved so that you don’t lose your salvation or go back into the old sinful lifestyle you renounced and was once in.

  • Go and Sin No More- Repentance is Key, changing how you used to live. Living in known sin will destroy you. Ask God to help you when you are struggling. (It’s Okay)
  • Daily Bible Reading- Start with the book of John as a starting point, and try to read 1 Psalm or 1 Proverb a Day

  • Get Baptized- Receiving the baptism in the Holy Spirit, is very crucial in your life as a new convert.

  • Go to Church-Pray and ask God to lead you to bible based church, that is preaches the TRUTH.
  • Have an Active Prayer Life- Talk to God, prayer is Powerful, work your way up slowly. Ask known people in Christ to pray for you as well when you feel weak.
  • Be Sanctified-Righteous Living is a must, you are not perfect, only Jesus is, but you must strive live Holy, daily repentance is key.
  • Share Christ to Others- Share your faith with others, this is the Good news of the gospel, God saved you to help save others from hell. He needs you to be willing vessel to help and transform the lives of others.
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